Friday, June 28, 2013



Wondering why did i put the title, IMPORTANT? ok now. i have a few questions. do you love eating??
I must say everyone loveeeeeee food. including ME! i love eating... durian. vanilla ice cream. kfc. mc donald. char koey teaw. hmmm semua semua lah suka makan.

tau x korang makan apa? do u really know what u and your family and friend ate? i dont have the awareness of what i consumed everyday, until last night. i was in SFM class with Mr Vicky and the rest of the class. so Mr Vicky told us a story about KFC. im not sure wether it is true or not but it makes sense.

so the story lebih kurang pasal macam mana ayam KFC gebu gebu and sedap? and how did they get a supplier who can supply them a lot of chicken everyday. ye lah since they have a lot of customers in Malaysia and all around the world. but a normal chicken doesnt just grow in a week or two. average growing period of a chicken adalah dalam 4-5 weeks kalau x silap. normal ayam kampung makan grass and cacing and etc lah. but here, ayam dekat supermarket entah apa dia makan. and all ayam kat supermarket seems about the same size kan. i actually never thought of this before. tau x macam mana ayam membesar dekat poultry farm? apa ayam tu makan? from what ive heard, ayam yang gebu gebu tu dah dibagi or dicucuk dengan some kind of chemical untuk besarkan size dia dengan cepat. and some poultry farm they put a chicken in some sort of small cage/box yang mana ayam tu just bole bangun and duduk and bila sampai saiz yang diorang nak, amek, sembelih, and proses. kesian ayam tu. x sempat belajar untuk jalan pun :(

Sir cerita, he went to a poultry farm that belongs to his friend. so his friend took out a chicken and put it on the ground. so ayam tu acted macam baby yang tengah tatih baru nak belajar jalan.(sir x cakap pun macam baby tapi aku imagine sendiri la). but that chicken learned so fast. tetiba je boleh jalan. his friend tolak or tendang ayam tu (aku lupa), but ayam tu jalan jalan macam yeayyy dapat freedom and then suddenly kiok, jatuh dan mati. sedih x? :'( tau kenapa? sebab ayam tu badan besar macam dah matang but the heart was still belas belas hari. the heart couldnt pump enough blood and whatever not because the body was too big kesan dari chemical tu. lebih kurang macam tu lah sir cerita.
dan lagi satu. pernah x terfikir kenapa ayam kampung macam liat liat sikit tapi ayam biasa x liat. pasni beli ayam kampung je lah. sir cakap ni baru cerita pasal KFC. belum lagi benda lain. haha awak nak ke makan ayam yang penuh dengan chemical tu? eee xnak! selagi mampu, akanku avoid makan ayam KFC. walaupun benda tu sedappppp sangat sangat. huuuu (-___-)"

kan ada iklan 'you are what you eat" kan. iklan apa tah. So makin banyak unhealthy food you consume, makin cepat lah kiok. hahah kasarnya. xda lah. the point here, avoid eating unhealthy food la. if not, makin cepat and makin banyak la penyakit datang kat awak kalau makan pun x jaga kan. for us yang antibody masih kuat ni maybe ok la nak cakap xpe lah makan nanti berak. but untuk anak anak, untuk adik adik kecik, untuk pregnant lady, untuk orang orang tua. sanggup nak bagi mereka mereka ni makan makanan yang full of chemicals?

How are you going to overcome this? you can either become a vegetarian, or u should get rid of those chemicals and eat healthily. but how to get rid of it?

Now, hai o has came out with a product called BIOZONE food purifier. how does it works? BIOZONE Food Purifier uses a proprietary process integrating ozone-resistant materials to convert oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3). The ozone that eliminates contaminants will be converted back into oxygen. The medical grade silicone tube will then channel the ozone into the water where the food is immersed. Bubbling process will take place to purify the food within the pre-determined time frame.

Effectively removes contaminants in the food and retain food nutrients.
Effectively preserve food freshness and remove foul odour.
Multi-functional purification on food : Meat / Fruits / Vegetables / Seafood / Herbs
Consistent ozone output and environmentally-friendly.
  PRODUCT FEATURES Convenient operation with 4-mode micro-processor timer control for different purification time frame (3 mins / 15 mins / 30 mins / 45 mins).

No need for regular ozone generator replacement.
Very low power consumption ~ 35W.
100% medical grade silicone tube.
Highest A grade fine ceramic stone.
Ozone-resistant high grade ABS plastic.
Portable, convenient and user-friendly.

How long do I need to purify the vegetables and meat?

Please refer to the operating instruction manual found inside the packaging box. Generally, all the food (Eg : fruits, vegetables, seafood) require 15 minutes. Only meat (Eg : chicken, lamb, beef) requires 30 minutes. This machine operates at maximum 45 minutes, which can be used for long bath or refrigerator.

Moreover, there is 3 minutes ON/OFF sanitising function for a liter of water. This sanitising function is used to remove bacteria on the surface of food in a quick manner without the use of water. Generally, if you have more water, you can multiply timing accordingly. The maximum volume of water is 10 litres or 30 minutes.

What happens if the ceramic stone or silicone tube is broken?
Replace with a new set which comprises a ceramic stone and a silicone tube.
Why do I need to perform the general maintenance after 2 years from the date of purchase?

The technician will open up the BIOZONE Food Purifier machine to check and clean all internal parts, including calibration. This is to ensure that BIOZONE Food Purifier operates at optimum performance and last longer.
Do I need to purify for longer interval if I have a lot of foods?
BIOZONE Food Purifier is designed for HOUSEHOLD USE only. Assuming you have 3 – 4 chicken portions, it is still fine to take 30 minutes to purify the meat as long as you adhere to the maximum water volume of 10 litres.

Does it consume excessive electricity?
No. The electricity power consumption is minimal at 35 Watts only. It is like lighting up a bulb in your house.

How do I service the ceramic stone?
Plug the silicone tube out from the machine. Use a toothbrush to gently brush the surface of the ceramic stone under the tap running water. After that, air-dry. Once a while, dry it under the sun. If there is any bad odour, you may purify the ceramic stone in plain water for few minutes and air-dry.

Will the food nutrients be lost in the purifying process?
We have a laboratory test on the meat to show that most of the nutrients are maintained. This can only be possible using a good food purifier. If you use conventional technology, it might reduce the nutrients substantially.

Do I need to wash the food again after purification?
It is not necessary to wash the food after purification process. But, if you feel the need to rinse the food after purification, you can use filtered water to avoid any re-contamination with tap water.
How long can the BIOZONE Food Purifier last?
After the first 2 years, as long as you send back the machine for general maintenance once a year, it can last very long.

Why can’t I use a plastic container and what other bowls can I use?
Not all plastics are ozone-resistant. Generally, we do not advise to use plastic bowls. It would be best to use stainless steel or glass bowls.

Can I use to clean baby bottles?
Generally for plastics, we try to avoid direct purification. You can first purify the water in a glass or stainless steel container and use the purified water to rinse the baby bottles.

Why meat has foam, but for vegetables, it is not visible?
Pesticides are generally soluble in water, hence it is not visible. For the foam, it is a long chain of fatty acid which is more prevalent in meat. Most of the fatty acid has polymer-based compounds which may be difficult for the body to absorb. If the body is able to absorb, it actually goes into the blood stream which may be bad for health over a long period of intake.
Can I remove antibiotics from the meat during purification process?
The foam did not reveal any antibiotic trace, but during the 30 minutes purification process, the laboratory test report showed that antibiotic was absent after purification.
Will the foam be totally gone if I detoxify for longer periods of time?
The chances of the foam being totally gone is rare because more fats can be removed through longer periods of purification. The side effects would be more nutrients lost. Hence, we do not need to over-purify the meat.

Some vegetables and fruits float up during the purification process. What can I do?

Just use a cover to close the bowl with a small gap for the silicone tube to pass through, as long as the cover is not made of plastic material.

How can I be certain that BIOZONE Food Purifier can perform 100% purification?
We do not claim that BIOZONE Food Purifier can purify all chemicals by 100%. Our objective is to try to minimise as much chemicals as possible before we consume the food. Most chemicals can be reduced through the BIOZONE Purification Process, which we have a series of laboratory tests to share. Scientifically proven in many advanced countries, ozone technology is commonly used for purification of water, food and swimming pool treatment.

From today onwards, lets purify our food and start eating healthily. for more info contact me 0124004631 or

Monday, June 17, 2013

nak kulit cantik?? come and try bbplus collagen :)


harini kami nak ceghita pasai BBplus collagen. hehe tapi nak copy paste the facts, ingredients, usage and etc dulu lah dari official hai- o website.

Facts :- Aging damages collagen that leads to skin damage

Collagen accounts for 70% of the dermal layer of our skin. It is the basic building block of skin, bones, cartilage and other connective tissues in our body. Collagen assists in the regeneration of skin and works to maintain the skin’s suppleness. In the cartilage of the joints, it functions as a cushion to reduce the burden on structural system, especially the hips, joints and knees.

External and internal ageing factors can damage protein fibres, fibroblasts and vitamins needed to stimulate collagen production. These result in aging of skin.

Ingredients :-

Hydrolized marine collagen, grape seed extract, Vitamin C, roselle juice powder, blackcurrant juice powder, apple fiber, inulin.

Now. Why BB Plus?
BB Plus is made primarily from high quality fish collagen. Fish collagen is a Type 2 collagen, said to have a structure of an amino acid chain perfectly compatible to the humans. Due to the natural habitat of fish, the collagen derived from this marine animal has sufficient amino acids namely Proline & Glycine in their lower body temperature, similar to human collagen. Proline and Glycine are two amino acids responsible for formation of collagen, maintaining skin and cartilage. Fish collagen then are produced to peptides using latest technology for better absorption and availability.

How does BB Plus works?

Triple mode of actions:

1. Repair - Promotes micro cleansing, replenishes collagen peptides to damage or weak collagen network
2. Rebuild - Strengthens and protects collagen network through antioxidant
3. Renew - Promotes growth and production of new collagen cells

What is the effective dose?

Only one sachet (5g) daily for a youthful, flawless skin. Hydrolysis process produces peptides (about 3,000 Daltons in size) that are readily absorbed.

Are there any extra antioxidant protection?

Blackcurrant juice contains anthocyanins to protect the face & body against UV & free radical damage. Grape seed extract with OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) reduces skin discomfort and promotes healing. Vitamin C and roselle strengthen collagen network, protect collagen in dermis and promote synthesis.

How does BB Plus enhance skin performance?

Apple fibre and inulin (dietary fibre) promotes skin clarity through detoxification.

How does BB Plus help in reducing discomfort of joints?

Fish collagen peptide is also a good source of Type II Collagen of which is being found to be predominant component of hyalin cartilage able to help suppress inflammation caused by rheumatism and osteoarthritis.
And this is the usage direction :-
Mix one (1) sachet of BB Plus into 150ml water. Avoid using hot water. Stir well and consume immediately. Best to be taken before meal or before bedtime. Suitable for diabetics. Color, taste and texture may vary slightly from batch to batch as only all-natural ingredients are used.

ok now. yang best nya benda ni. it uses all natural ingredients only! and SUGAR FREEEE and CHOLESTEROL FREEEE!!! dengar takkk???!!! SUGAR FREEE!!! so memang sangat recommended la collagen ni.

i tried it myself. masa tu baru start minum bbplus collagen ni dalam 7 sachets macam tu. amazingly nampak kesannnnn. muka dah hilang bijik bijik jahat yang macam pasir tu yang selalu tumbuh kat muka tu. yang selalu buat gatal gatal muka tu. pastu garu. hmmmm. and satu lagi yang best. walaupun kulit den ni hitam manis, tapi muka dah x nampak kusam since minum ni. baru je lagi guna. before this, kalau make up sekali pun, muka still nampak macam ada bijik bijik. but nowww,,,,, TIDAK LAGIIII. hihi excited tau nak promote benda yang nampak kesan kat muka sendiri.

Ok now ill show you the result. kira macam testimoni sendiri la ni heheh.

yang tudung biru ni muka baru bangun tidoq. sebelum ni, muka time pagi pagi la paling elok. konon nampak fresh kan.pakai baju kurung sebab hari jumaat. masa ni tak kenal pun bbplus ni apa. kalau nk upload gambar kt insta fb and etc, terpaksa edit dulu :( sedih kan. dah la tu. make up kemain tebal sebab nak tutup tompok tompok kt muka makanya jadi lah muka putih tangan hitam haha

yang tudung pepel ni pulak latest picture of mine. last saturday (pas keja nak balik umah muka ngantuk gila... pakai day cream ngan eye liner ja. tapi alhamdulillah nampak kan muka tak berpasir dah. jerawat toksah cakap la. memang x berani dah nak tumbuh. and kulit kering makin elok. kat tepi tepi hidung dah kurang mengelupas macam dulu sebab asyik pakai make up. kulit kering kulit sensitif. suma saya ada, dulu.
Parut still ada but insyaallah dengan pengambilan yang beterusan, bbplus ni mampu renew kulit yang dah rosak tu.

so that all about it. mari la try. kalau product kt fb tu yang x tau kkm lepas ke x korang boleh try, apa kata try yang ni pulak. hai-o marketing ada lah registered company. well know and public listed lagi tau. haa jangan main main. haha kalau ada apa apa pertanyaan bole la contact 0124004631 @ kalau nak jumpa lepak lepak nak dengar business sharing, how to make extra income on a part time basis, atau pun nak tengok kesan bbplus ni depan depan pun buleh hihi. whatsapp, call, message, insyaAllah dilayan. tapi xmau la yang ngarut2. ok until next time. Assalamualaikum dan selamat mencuba :)