soalan tambahan : dan kenapa si ex tu perlu lagi mengambil tau urusan dan permasalahan her ex??
(faham kan?)
so kepada awak wanita saiko yang merangkap 'the ex', tolonglah blah..yes tak salah u nak kawan but as a friend, do u really need to add his gf on facebook? and lepas tu u commented on every comment she left on his wall post..bagitau itu ini about the guy..konon u kenal dia macam lama sangat..that is sooooo not cool..
move on please..
dan untuk si jejaka, be LOYAL!
btol2..i pon benci pompuan psycho..
weh aku pon sama weh. menyampah gila. mmg saiko abs la pmpn cmtu. ahahha!