Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tragedi 27/05/13

semalam, 27/05/13 aku on leave x pi keja sebab p interview. pas p interview amek nurul kat keramat pastu nk p stokis kt batu caves nak amek stok, masa on the way nak ke stokis tu, keta aku kena langgaq ngan teksi huwaaaaaa :"(( walaupun calaq ja tapi sedihhhhhh. dah la tu. acik teksi tu bole cakap aku langgaq dia, sebba dia kata dia depan aku tapi pastu dia kata dia nampak aku bagi signal pulak and nampak aku masuk kanan. xpaham aku. pastu aku ajak p balai polis x mau pulak. nak suruh aku bayaq. pastu da gaduh gaduh kat situ. last last dia bagi jugak nombor fon dia n dia kenalkan diri dengan nama arshad. tapi x tau nama betoi x betoi. aku cakap ngan dia nanti aku call. sebenaqnya plan aku nak blah dari situ n p balai buat report ja. pastu da blah dari situ p la buat report kt hulu kelang tapi kena sambung buat kt balai polis trafik pulak kt gombak. dah settle kat situ. polis tu cakap dia x rasa teksi tu akan buat report sebab no plat teksi tu bukan atas nama dia pun. kalau buat pun sah sah dia yang salah. keta aku calar kt belakang tepi belah kanan n keta dia kemek kt depan kiri. polis tu cakap maybe dia berani ugut aku sebab aku perempuan. polis tu pesan kalau pasni kena langgaq atau apa apa, jangan turun dari keta. amek gambaq no plat n keta kalau boleh n blah terus buat report sebab ada kes org saja langgaq keta pastu bila turun kena ugut la kena curi keta la macam macam lagi la.

tapi alhamdulillah semua dah settle. pakcik tu sampai harini call aku. sorry la pakcik saya dah p buat report dah pun. kalau pakcik nak claim insurance ka apa ka, sila la p buat report sebelum pukul 3 hari ni ya.

tapi dekat gambaq ni pun, kawan kawan aku cakap yg teksi accident ngan aku tu cuma calaq kat bumper dia ja. yang kemik tu macam mustahil sbb calaq keta aku kt belah bawah area tayar n lagipun aku calaq ja. tapi xtau la sama ada dia tipu ataupun macam mana. xpa la kan benda dah nak jadi. apa boleh buat. terima saja. alhamdulillah x jadi apa apa kat aku. lepas ni kena berhati hati bawak keta.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie Series


This post is mainly about Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie Series.

This is Long Brassiere

Product Features:
  • Unique 3-piece dimensional cup design to push up, support and firm up breasts.
  • Steel wire provides firmness and support effectively. 
  • Frontal and central bi-layer compression and tightness design helps to flatten stomach and elevate breasts.
  • Sculpts, reshapes and supports body contour by soft double helix wire.
  • Bi-layer compression and tightness design that reshapes the back to an attractive contour.
  • Delicate “U” shaped design to sculpt a sleek back line.
  • Decorative diamond butterfly pattern further enhances the elegance of the product. 
  • Slimming with 3 pairs of hook-and-eye.
 This is Waist Nipper

 Product Features:
  • Supports waist and spine with 7 alloy steel to correct postures.
  • Pushes fat from waist to breasts and hips by unique ergonomic design to achieve waving contour.
  • Reshapes waist line with imported waistband from Japan.
  • Stretchable design helps to achieve expanding effect.
  • Slimming with 3 pairs of hook-and-eye.
  • Decorative diamond butterfly pattern further enhances the elegance of the product. 
And this is Long Girdle

 Product Features:
  • 32-piece dimensional design reshapes fat by sectional compression.
  • Unique buttock-cup design to lift and firm sagging buttocks effectively.
  • Reshapes thighs and buttocks to a contour line by pushing fat to the buttock-cup.
  • Cotton waistband shapes and slims waistline.
  • Decorative diamond butterfly pattern further enhances the elegance of the product.
  • Fixed waist panel flattens stomach.
  • Bi-layer compression design sculpts the inner and outer thighs for sleek effect.
  • Bi-layer mixed cotton mesh material at intimate part for comfort and no heat-trapping.
  • Stretchable lace to prevent roll-up and unnatural thigh line.  
 Normal questions often asked by customers and answers :

 Does Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie affect blood circulation and health? Would it cause any changes in body contour?

No, this is because Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie is made from natural fibre, nylon, tetron and lycra manufactured with the latest technology according to ergonomic design. The Far-Infrared Ray promote blood circulation and metabolism, whereas the sweat absorption materials help ventilation, hydrophilic and no heat trapping. Therefore, Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie does not affect health and blood circulation. On the other hand, it reshapes and sculpts body contours.
Does Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie trap heat?

Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie is made from natural fibre, nylon, tetron and lycra manufactured with the latest technology for greater efficiency on sweat absorption and ventilation. Therefore, it is comfortable to be worn during hot weather for perfect body contour reshaping.

When is the appropriate time to take measurement if I want to wear it after childbirth (postpartum)?

It is recommended to take measurement during the 6th or 7th month of pregnancy because it is similar to the postpartum body shape. If more than 8 months, then you should take the measurement after 3 days of delivery!

In addition, you should wear after 7~10 days of natural birth. Depending on recovery conditions for C-section women, it is usually worn after 10~14 days. The best slimming period for postpartum women is within 6 months, for better slimming effects if worn earlier to reposition both organs and uterus.

How long does it take Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie to have reshaping?

Wearing reshaping lingerie is a natural adjustment process which needs persistence. Usually it shows the effects directly after wearing but needs 1-6 months for reshaping depending on body conditions. For 1-3 months, body fat is moved and repositioned. Reshaped contour is normally completed after 6 months. While wearing Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie, you may feel discomfort and tightness on the first 1-15 days. After the adjusting period, you will feel more comfortable as you wear!

Can I wear only long girdle but not Premium Beautiful Foundation Brassiere?

Fat accumulates easily at the bottom of buttocks and outer part of thighs. If you wear long girdle only, fat will accumulate on the stomach and thigh areas and thus will not give a sleek contour.
Should I wear both long girdle and waist nipper too if I am wearing Premium Beautiful Foundation Long Brassiere?

Premium Beautiful Foundation Long Brassiere and Long Girdle are basic functional lingerie to give a sleek line on breasts, waist, stomach, buttocks and thighs; whereas waist nipper lifts full breasts, adjust the breasts and stomach contour to correct posture. If you are wearing fit clothing, a complete set of Premium Beautiful Foundation lingerie helps to reshape a perfect and beautiful body line.

How should I wear Premium Beautiful Foundation Long Girdle?

You should choose an appropriate size of Premium Beautiful Foundation Long Girdle to maintain the beauty shape of buttocks, stomach and thighs as well as for comfort while sitting. To wear a long girdle, you should not pull directly upward because it will distort the girdle buttocks contour.

The correct method to wear Premium Beautiful Foundation Long Girdle:

1.Fold the pant’s edges and waistband, before putting on.

2.Carefully pull upward until waist, and then bend down with knees facing outward. After that, further pull it upward and unfold pant’s edges and waistband.

3.Put your hand onto your buttocks to lift fat around thigh areas upward to buttock-cup.


If your hand is not able to put underneath the long girdle, then it is too tight! Change to a larger size.

As for myself, i've been using Premium Beautiful Lingerie for few weeks now. And the result is AMAZING!! i've always wanted a slimmer tight and flat tummy. Because i'm so petite and gemok, i looked like a pear in most of my pictures before this. ayam katik sangat tau. Nak nak kalau pakai kebaya kan. Cis. This Premium Beautiful Lingerie helps to reshape your body you can actually see it instantly once you wear it. bukan la terus kurus lepas sekali pakai. tapi it helps to hide all the flabby cute fat in the corset. wear a Premium Beautiful Lingerie set constanly and you can see the greater result and don't worry tak ketat pun sebab it is custom made to fit your body. hehe ok lah.

Selamat Mencuba!



Level of Confidence


hai. harini nak cakap pasal topik Level of confidence

"Definition : Self-confidence is a term that is used to describe how secure a person is in his decisions, actions and abilities. It describes the amount of faith a person has in himself. Self-confidence reflects how a person views himself. A person's level of confidence is often apparent in every aspect of his being. Confidence shows in a person's speech, body language and mannerisms.

Lack of confidence

People who lack confidence may be shy and quiet, although this isn't always the case. Those with little confidence may pass up opportunities because they assume they wouldn't stand a chance competing against others. They doubt themselves and their abilities. They don't have enough confidence to even try. They fear rejection and failure. These people often don't achieve their potential in life simply because they have already viewed themselves as failures. When people lack self-confidence they are overly preoccupied with what others think. They need to build confidence and take charge of their lives, although it is not easy for someone who suffers from low self-esteem.

Confidence is a necessary component in reaching our goals but over-confidence can be interpreted in negative ways. Simply stated, over-confidence is confidence that is unwarranted. For example, a person may be very confident in an area that he actually has little knowledge and expertise. Over-confidence can be projected as an inflated ego. A person may appear egotistical, arrogant and somewhat of a braggart. Over-confidence may also be a smokescreen for lack of confidence. People often try to build their own confidence by tearing others down. In this way, they feel better about themselves. It doesn't mean that they are bad people; it simply means that they don't know how to build their own level of confidence.


Self-confidence is an attitude. It is about how you view yourself, not how others view you. A confident person is comfortable with the person he is. He knows he is not perfect and he doesn't try to act perfect. He accepts himself as he is, along with his imperfections. He is confident enough to admit his mistakes. He can laugh at himself. A confident person can accept rejection and criticism, and learn from them rather than taking them personally and wallowing in self-pity. A confident person believes in himself and his abilities, yet he knows there is always room for improvement and therefore continually strives to improve.

Positive Outlook

A confident person has a positive outlook. He doesn't dwell on his failures. If he doesn't get a promotion, he views it not as a loss but as an opportunity for something better. Confident people often do get what they want because self-confidence is an important element in accomplishing their goals and manifesting their desires. They know that self-confidence is an ingredient in the recipe for success.


A confident person likes himself. If you don't like yourself, how can you expect others to like you? Confident people also respect themselves. Anyone can develop self-confidence but it can take time, especially if you are steeped in negativity. People aren't born with self-confidence. They learn to put fear and doubt aside and to trust their own instincts. They trust their abilities and choose to react positively rather than negatively. Self-confidence hears the voice of doubt but chooses not to listen to it."

However, There is a fine line between self-confidence and arrogance. Some people lack self-confidence, whereas others have too much, which may be interpreted as arrogance. Without a certain level of self-confidence we tend to lack faith in ourselves and our own abilities." http://www.ehow.com/about_4728404_define-self-confidence.html

All of this applies to everyone. x kisah la student ke business woman ke mak datin atau apa apa pun. my point is you have to know your level of confidence. jangan terlalu over confident sangat sampai jadi bongkak and nampak poyo.

Tau x kenapa tetiba harini kuaq topik ni? hahaha sebabnya aku ada terbaca status sorang kawan kat facebook yang kerap kecoh pasal dia kawan dengan artis la, dia lawa la, asal orang nampak dia rasa nak ngorat la macam macam la. xtau la dia ni poyo ataupun mungkin dia over confident dengan diri dia kottt.mungkin jugak dia rasa semua friendlist dia okay dengan status dia yang bagi aku poyo sungguh habaq hang. ataupun mugkin aku sorang ja yang rasa macam ni. hahahah sorry na ceq bukan jeles oh tidakkk. sikit pun x jeles. cuma rasa menyampah. tapi xkan la nak delete from friendlist kot. kang esok budak tu kawin jemput through facebook aku terkecuali pulak kan... hahah ya la ok lah whatever lah. haha bye

P/S : Interested to join glamleadersacademy and be part of our team contact me at 0124004631 or nuradibahmk@yahoo.com

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

saya lapaq


Sihat semua orang? Harap sihat la kan. Xpe la. Kalau x sihat pun anggap la tu dugaan dari Allah. Hehe emm nothing much to say actually. Just one thing. SAYA LAPAR! 

sebenarnya dah beberapa minggu since pakai PB ni x cepat rasa lapar. Tapi xtau la kenapa harini lapaq gilaaaa. Padahal breakfast dah pagi tadi. Maybe sebab period kot. Haha eh xpun effect sebab buat 20 sit-up before tidoq semalam? Eleh baru 20 pun kecoh. Hahah semalam punya la boring dah xtau nak buat apa, so buat la sit up dengan harapan pas hilang lemak perut ni muncul pulak six-pack. Kihkihkih. 

Ok lah sambung buat keja. Till next time. Bubye! Have a good day semua orang!

P/S : sesapa nak tau pasal business opportunity, nak try free premium beautiful yang best ni and free consultation, bole contact sayerrr- 0124004631 :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Premium Beautiful


huiyooooo tetiba update blog pulak kan. haha Adibah tengah boring nii. so Adibah pun update la blog. mihihi. Emm actually nak bagitau Adibah dah join satu bisnes baguihhhh punya ni. hehe bisnes tu adalah PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL (PB).

Memula memang tak berapa nak percaya sangat bisnes macam ni. selama ni baca kat blog ja pasal PB ni tapi x percaya dia memang berkesan sampai la tengok makcik sendiri pakai. makcik yang baru habis pantang tetiba slim kan, mana tak jeles anak dara ni. Anak dara yang belum kawin apatah lagi beranak, perut buncit kalah ibu anak 9 tau. Jeles mak nok.

so i've decided to try PB ni. started pakai full set PB hari Jumaat 3rd May 2013, and amazingly perut yg menggelebeh macam belon yang ada ayaq tu tetiba hampir slim. Mak, kakak, and close friends pun cakap nampak beza. Padahal orang orang ni la yang paling susah nak perasan kalau tetibe tergemuk or terkurus. Maybe sebab kerap jumpa kan.

Yang best nya pasal PB ni, saiz dia bukan S, M, L, XL macam tu. Tapi dia ikut saiz badan. Pakai sambil kerja, drive, makan and even tidoq pun rasa selesa gila. selesa macam kita pakai normal-everyday undies tu. sebelum ni pernah jugak beli korset lain. tapi suma ketat nak mampuih. nak buat apa apa pun x selesa. Nak kencing nak berak pun susah. cuba bayangkan kalau tetibe rasa nak tercirit kan. hahaha kasaq gila weh ayat.

ok lah habih dah entry. nak sambung buat kerja sat. Nanti Adibah update benefit dia pulak. byesss