Wednesday, May 19, 2010

drama bongok

once upon a time, in a place far far away from earth ,called la-la-li-tamplom-land, there was a girl named DEEBA MARCELLA  (can u see how unique yet beautiful name she had? haha). she was friendly , bubbly , pretty , and smart.. pendek kata everyone there likes her because of her appearance.. inside and outside.. 

in her place, she had two bestfriends, FUN and JOY.. they were always together in everything! there was a time when JOY broke up with her boyfriend, DEEBA and FUN gave her full support, morally and physically.. they never leave each others.. DEEBA also had cyber-friend but her bestfriends didn't know..

one day, while DEEBA was walking near the lake, she saw her two bestfriends sitting at their favourite spot. then she decided to go approach them. but when they saw her, both of them terus blah without a word. 
and......................................drama bermula..

DEEBA : hey where are u going? (sambil jerit-jerit)
FUN : we are leaving!
DEEBA : where? can i come with you?
JOY : sorry but no. 
DEEBA : what??? why???? we are bestfriends right.
JOY : heh..bestfriend dont keep secrets to herself! 
FUN : yeah..we know about your so-called cyber-friends.. how could you not telling us that! we also heard that she's coming over here to see it?? 
JOY : you don't have to lie anymore because it's hurt!
DEEBA : ok! i'm so sorry.. her name is EXAM ACCA and she's coming here by JUNE.. i told her about you bestfriends ever. she wants to see both of you.. but she said don't tell anyone first..maybe she just wanna surprise you girls kott..
FUN : uuuu.SURPRISE!! huh.. we dont wanna befriends with you anymore.. not when you're with EXAM!
you can only find us when EXAM is gone..bye!!

see, i lost my FUN and JOY because of you EXAM!! and being with you, i can go mati tau..mati kutu!! so SCREW YOU!!! and F YOU!

p/s : please ignore kepoyoan aku memuji diri sendiri ngan broken english ku..hahaha bye


  1. wei bagus cita kau
    sgt menarik!!

  2. ko ni boleh tahan poyo gak rupenya haha~ aku baru nak kutuk sekali cerita exam..:)

    hm..asik blogging je bila nka study nye? EXAM dah tunggu ko tu..huhu~ nanti RESULT plak tunggu ko, i'm sure FUN and JOY will understand..(^o^)Y.

    neway..good luck exam tu..pi study, gambate neh!!

  3. haha.

    hansuke nama alias aku dalam kad pengenalan la. (i wish). nama aku glamer kot. hehe~

    aku budak acca jugak la. ko tanya misshetrek la aku sapa.

    nanti ter-expose lak name sebenar aku kat internet ni..hehe~ (cam poyo je).

    wei, thanks singgah blog aku yang usang tu..
